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   Nova Sporting Series - Weymouth - June 23,2024.

And yes it did rain. But all said and done it was a good day.

122 shooters arrived in Weymouth for the fourth and final leg of this years Sporting Series.


The High Over All (HOA) with a score of 92/100 was Justin States.

The Top Senior scoring 87/100 was Brian MacLeod.

(He seams to do this a often, I think he likes it.)

The Top Lady for the day was Jane F. Foster breaking 74/100 targets.

Top Junior ( under 18 years of age) with a score of 70/100 was Ashton Gillis.


The Lewis System for placing the shooters into the different classes was used.


1St. Place ...  Steve Hutt

2nd. Place ... Anthony Wambolt

3rd. Place .... Ben Barteaux


1st. Place ... Joe Wells

2nd. Place ... Mike Sabean

3rd. Place ... Denver Doucette


1st.Place ... Jayana Nickerson

2nd. Place ... Stephan Weagle

3rd. Place ... Simon Poole


1st.Place ... William Barteaux

2nd. Place ... Otis Scott

3rd. Place ... Michelle Brown


Raffle Prizes

The pop up Hunting Blind won by Mike Forsythe.

The Trail Cams was won by Chris Hudson.

The Knife was won by John Mosher.

The Binos were won by Lenard Haughn.

The Yettie Cooler was won by Steve d'Entremont.

The Event Gun, a Winchester Wildcat 22LR was won by Shawn d'Entremont.

The Grand Prize for the Series, a Browning Over & Under 12 gauge Shotgun.

with presentation case,  and the winner was Brian Crossman.

There was twenty or so table prizes that were won by draw.

86 Shooter received their Hat for attending all four of the Shoots.


Special thanks to the host Clubs and those that worked so hard to set up these courses.

All those that attended one or more shoots.

Lequille Country Store for their continued support of the Series.

Work starts now for next years event, the clubs are always open to volunteers that

have a few hours to spend and lend a helping hand.


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